Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Allyn asked me to take a picture of her. She never lets me get a good picture of her. I think this one turned out totally adorable. David had to get dressed up for something for Veterans Day.

Lyric is a "book worm". Lately before bed he sits and reads a little out loud to Kian. I caught a little video.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The New Place


Dining room
Dining into the livingroom
Lyric and Kian's room
Master Bedroom
Allyn and Judah's room

3rd Annual Hastings Costume Party '09

Michelle and Santi setting up for the Party! On the way to the Party! "HO HO HO"
The winners of the best costume... Cedric and Anita
This is not kitty litter. It is actually sand..
Cortney and Tony.. They were actually the winners of the best costume, but they had to leave early so they were not there. They did look fantastic!!!!
Scott and Michelle

Jonathan as PopeyeKate as Olive Oil
Rick and Dawn as Shrek and Fiona
Olive Oil and Popeye

Mr and Mrs. Claus
David and Scott singing
Me and Monica
I believe... The Cha Cha Slide

The Hippies (Cedric and Anita) won best Costume!
Shrek (Caleb) won most smelly costume. He had to have a dance off with the other Shrek.
His acceptance speech
Naomi and Geeshik opening their "white elephant" gift.
White Elephant gift exchange
Me and Anita
Anita and David sing a song David didn't know.
Shannon and Nick as black and white TV people. The picture makes their faces look blue. They are actually gray.
Sarah and Caleb

Ben, Bekah and Naomi

Monica and Michelle
Me, Michelle and Kate
Anita and Shannon
The Girls