Last night Kian and Lyric where wrestling around and Kian got hit in the mouth/nose. He is so wild and gets hurt all the time. I wonder how many trips I will take to the ER over the years with 3 boys. So far Lyric has been seen 1 time (remember he had a green bead stuck in his nose) and Kian has been in 2 times. A cut on each eyebrow.

Here are a few pictures of Judah smiling at David (sorry for the up the nose shot). When he is awake he is a really happy baby and smiles all the time now. Yesterday I said he is letting me sleep pretty good, well last night was not as good. I am really tired today. Here is the deal.... I have to get up to get the kids out the door and as soon as they leave I want to jump back into bed. If I do he will wake up right after I fall asleep and that makes it really hard to get up so it is just easier staying awake until the next time I know he is going to take a good nap. Kian loves it when I nap because I put him in bed next to me and turn on the cartoons. He could sit there for hours while Judah and I sleep. The first thing he said to me when I woke up this morning is, "are you going to go back to bed and I can watch cartoons". I hope he understands the reason he gets to watch so much cartoons is because I want to sleep not because I am being nice. He is starting to get mad at me when I say he can't watch TV.

...... Oh... Judah is awake!