Here is a cute picture of two of my favorite people Michelle and Judah!

Judah's lunch break

I think the auto shop was one of my favorite places at the museum. Kian looks like a natural fixing the car.
Lyric and Angie working at the bank.

Allyn working at the grocery check out (I also loved the grocery store).
We had the kids line up in a line from shortest to tallest every time we went on to the next thing. Well one time it didn't work out like we wanted. Michelle was going to take the kids and she asked if we had Kian. David said he had him so she took the other kids and moved on. A few seconds later David was looking for Kian. I ran over to Michelle to see if he was with the rest of them and we didn't see him follow, but she informed me he wasn't with the rest of them. I had Judah in the stroller so I rolled the stroller towards Michelle and ran the other direction. I see David in the distance and could tell he had circled the place and he was still hunting for Kian. I then began to really panic. Thoughts were going through my mind. Should I start screaming at everyone to look for a little boy in green? I want to cry so bad, but I couldn't take time to do that I had to find Kian!!! All of a sudden I hear over the loud speaker, "Stacy, Kian is waiting for you at the front desk". I was so relieved. He was ok!! I get there and they told me he was standing by the bathrooms (which were right by the desk) "Mommy I have to go potty". He was not bothered by the situation at all. We explained to him that he can not just leave us and there are really mean people who like to take little kids away from their Moms and Dads. I did tell him he was such a big boy for telling them my name and he informed me that he told him his name too. He is so funny. I sure hope that never happens again because I lost part of my heart for a few short moments and it hurt so bad.