Saturday, April 11, 2009


Lyric was selected to have his self-portrait on display at the John Michael Kohler Art Center. We went there today to check it out. For some reason his never gets an "s" on the end of his last name.

Here is David and the kids outside the Kohler Art center.

Lyric got his report card this week. I am so proud of him!!!! After reading I went to give him a big hug and started to cry. He thought I was crazy, but what can I say....... I am so proud of him.

This is how his grading works.

+ = Excellent (21)

S+ (33)

S = Satisfactory (3)

S- (2 in spelling)

N= Needs improvement

Here are some of the comments he received....

Skill & Study Habits- Lyric has terrific work habits! He always does his best and neatest work. I greatly appreciate his efforts. Great Job!

Social/Emotional Dev- Lyric has really been a joy to teach this year. He is a terrific kid and is doing very well in getting along with is classmates.
Writing- Lyric has come so far in his writing ability this past quarter! He is doing a great job of adding details, good word choice, and his won author's voice to his ideas. Super job, Lyric!
Reading- Lyric continues to use every minute of his reading time and has made solid, steady progress in his reading ability as the year goes on. He is doing a great job and I am very pleased with is progress. Super effort, Lyric!
Bible- Lyric has done a great job in Bible again this past quarter.
Art- Continues to show much creativity and skill in art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to go Lyric. How was Ms Allyns?