This is how his grading works.
+ = Excellent (21)
S+ (33)
S = Satisfactory (3)
S- (2 in spelling)
N= Needs improvement
Here are some of the comments he received....
Skill & Study Habits- Lyric has terrific work habits! He always does his best and neatest work. I greatly appreciate his efforts. Great Job!
Social/Emotional Dev- Lyric has really been a joy to teach this year. He is a terrific kid and is doing very well in getting along with is classmates.
Writing- Lyric has come so far in his writing ability this past quarter! He is doing a great job of adding details, good word choice, and his won author's voice to his ideas. Super job, Lyric!
Reading- Lyric continues to use every minute of his reading time and has made solid, steady progress in his reading ability as the year goes on. He is doing a great job and I am very pleased with is progress. Super effort, Lyric!
Bible- Lyric has done a great job in Bible again this past quarter.
Art- Continues to show much creativity and skill in art.
1 comment:
way to go Lyric. How was Ms Allyns?
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