David got a new carrier for Judah. He looks so cute hanging in it. David loves a clean house so for Father's Day I decided to hire some cheap help. I hope the language barrier doesn't interferer with the work. (LOL...sorry Michelle I couldn't help to post it).
Michelle had a great idea to make Dad a t-shirt for Father's Day.
Scott and David waiting to see their surprise.
Yeah........David looked really excited. hehe
Before church.
Allyn read a verse during the Father's Day service. I was so nervous for her, but she did a great job.
The video is blurry, but I had to post it because I was so proud of her!!!
David wanted to go to Culver's for lunch. I didn't expect him to pick going there, but it was his choice as to where to go.
Lyric's self photo.
We get a picture of David and the kids every year in the pool. Our family grew this year!!
Judah didn't actually go swimming, but that was his first time kinda in the water.
David's favorite dessert is pineapple upside down cake so I made him one. He was really excited to eat it!!!! (Not intentionally... I make him out to be so cheesy on here.)
I love the tshirts how cute. Ms Allyn you did terrific on the reading of your verse.
I love the tshirts how cute. Ms Allyn you did terrific on the reading of your verse.
Again, you looked pissed that David took your picture (while at Culvers)...lol. Cute Father's Day shirt.. my friend told me about those this year too.
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