Lyric doing what he does best..............reading!
David brought home some dry ice for Kian. He thought it was pretty cool!
So here is what I looked like after I got my teeth done. Everyone was laughing at me because I could not smile. This is my smile... even after a couple of hours.
So here is what I looked like after I got my teeth done. Everyone was laughing at me because I could not smile. This is my smile... even after a couple of hours.
We found a new home for the kids swing set. David had to take one last picture of it. Our friends The Staders are enjoying it now.
We went to the Pumpkin farm with church and a very very cold day out. I think it was about 30 degrees or so. I am not ready for winter!!!!
Kelly Olsen and her big grin :)
After the hay ride we had a potluck at the Pumpkin Farm. There was a lot of food, but it was also freezing inside!
Michelle and her CHEESE!
The kids got their costumes this weekend. Ally is of course going to be Hannah Montana! This is only part of her costume.
I didn't get a picture of Kian or Lyric yet, but Kian is going to be a Transformer and Lyric a Ninja. Neither are costumes I would have picked out, but I guess they are older now and they don't want Mom picking them out. It is so weird for me to just buy them and not make them. I am however making Mine and David's for our 3rd Annual Hastings Costume Party. We are really excited. Stay tuned for pictures. The Party is Nov 6 so be patient.
OK the garden gnome is AWESOME!!!!!
I love Judah'scostume it is great. So sweet. I can't wait to see the kids all dressed up. We have a camping party halloween this weekend I made my costume and bought Jess's so will post pictures afterwards. We have not dressed up in a long time. I even made a costume for Trixy:)
What fun pictures of all of your family. It's too bad God didn't bless you with cute kids. Then we'd all be jealous, and that's no good. Seriously, I figured out, I don't want another baby of my own, I want YOUR baby. He's so very cute. Which usually means he's going to turn into a troublemaker! ;0)
A Garden gnome? Seriously? How the heck did you think up that? How cute!!!
And you know... you drive me crazy with the suspense you are always putting out! I want to see your costumes already! Kylie is also going to be Hannah Montana for Halloween. Judah is so cute climbing those stairs!
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