Monday, May 10, 2010

Richard I Bong Award

We went to Milwaukee today because David received the Richard I Bong Award.

The event was at the Wisconsin Club. I believe it was built around 1891. It was opulent!!!

David and Senior Chief Evans

The stairway. I wish the pictures would have come out better.


Robb and Rebecca said...

Here are my comments: A) Opulent? Good word! B) Because it was a big deal to receive this award, and because I believe it was a really big honor, and because I'm very proud of David, and the job he does, I will not make fun of the fact that this was called the "Bong" award. ;) Congrats! I'm glad you got to go along, Stacy! and C) Yay, you updated the blog! Love all the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Way to go David!! You are a wonderful husband, coworker, Daddy, son and friend we are proud to be a part of your life.