Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

We were going to start the day off by trying out a church, but we changed our mind and headed out to get a new washer and dryer. We first stopped at the NEX to look for one. I can't believe how huge the one is here!!! They didn't have the one we wanted so we headed to get it then we came back to spend some time in the pool.
The kids were being wild so David told them to stand outside the room... LOL. They were find hanging outside for a little while, but then they wanted back in.
Lyric is the best big brother a boy could ask for. We were trying to get ready in the morning and he just took it upon himself to brush Judah's teeth. He ended up doing it last night before bed too. He probably won't want to do it when we ask him to.

Lunch by the pool

The flowers here are so beautiful!

Every year for the past several years we get a picture of David and the kids in the pool on Father's Day.

Father's Day 2009

Father's Day 2008

Judah found this little thing and had fun playing with it.
Happy Father's Day David! Thank you so much for being an amazing Dad to our kids!!! They are so blessed to have an amazing God fearing Dad to lead them in life. Thank you for being the best husband too!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHOA I love the pictures have a great week getting the new place ready.