Last week while we were at the Y I got interrupted from my workout and was told Lyric feel and broke his chin open. They had him all bandaged up, but I wanted to take a look at it. It wasn't long, but it looked kinda deep. This is how it happened. He was on one of those scooters that you sit on and you put your feet on the handles and move it back and forth. Well he was on his knees on it and feel forward. OUCH!!
So all day I could not decide if I should take him in or not. I could see "meat" inside of it. David had duty that day so of course he was not home. I didn't want to take him in for the simple fact that I didn't want to wait in the ER with all 4 kids. About 3:00 I decided to call the boat to talk to David. He said to take him in so that is what I did. First of all I had no idea where to even take him. I got the address to the Children's hospital. I didn't know and right next door to Children's is another hospital. I just saw the sign for emergency room so we found a spot to park in the parking garage and headed for the hospital. We got inside and found out we were in the wrong place. I packed up the kids and headed around the corner to Children's. We got there about 3:30. We waited a good hour or two and they called Lyric's name. I was so happy! They took his vitals and said that he would need stitches. She told us to go back to the waiting room and wait until his name was called again. So we sat for another couple of hours. We finally got called back and sat for a little while. Then we were asked if he had the stuff on his chin to numb it yet. So we had to let that sit for at least another 20 minutes. Finally the stitches were done. The kids were done too. They actually did pretty well, but they were so hungry. There was a McDonalds in the hospital so the kids got to have a cheeseburger after 8:00 pm. We left the hospital about 8:30. That was a long day!
These pictures are out of order
Lyric after the stitches were in!

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